assessment criteria


Podcasts are like mini documentaries and could take the form of audio or audio/ video.Theyare based on news, events, history, facts etc., and use elements of direct observation, research, interviews, and documentation. For the International Competition Award only a 5-minute segment of the full podcast needs to be submitted to FEE. 

Format & Structure

  • Link/ Clip to segment of the podcast must be no longer than 5 minutes.  

  • Must have a title of no more than 140 characters. 

  • Link / Clip / File to the full podcast alongside 5-minute segment must be submitted to the National Operator  

  • Must be technically of good quality. This includes sound quality.  

  • Recommended that the 5-minute segment of a podcast that is sent to the National Operator is succinct and direct. Highlighting the focus and solutions posed in the full podcast.  

Honest & Unbiased Reporting

  • Facts, statistics, and scientific information must be supported by credible sources. 

  • Any quotes used must be from real and credible sources. 

  • Sources used in the podcast must be cited on a separate ‘References’ list.  

  • It is recommended that approximately 70% of the final podcast segment should be made up of students’ own original  voice recording and audio. If additional external audio is used (music, sounds effects, soundbites), the original author or source must be cited in the ‘References’ list. 

  • The podcast is a fair and truthful representation of reality, and the sound or recording has not been edited. 

Constructive & Well-Rounded Perspective

  • Podcast segment should address the historical, economic, social, and/or political implications of the chosen topic through an environmental lens.  

  • Podcast segment should show the link between local and global events, issues, and/or phenomena.  

  • Podcast segment should identify relevant and feasible solutions to the environmental issue(s) depicted full podcast.  

Originality & Independence

  • The podcast is original in subject and/or scope. The student has picked a challenging and/or creative topic or has depicted a topic in a different and/or creative way.  

  • The participant has engaged in fieldwork and conducted research and interviews (either in-person or over the phone) outside of their school grounds. 


A total of 5 points may be awarded for dissemination through the following channels: 

  • Personal Sphere = 1 Point 

  • School Community = 1 Point 

  • National Operator Organization = 1 Point 

  • National Media (Newspaper, TV, radio) = 2 Points 

Evidence of dissemination must be submitted with the video and published on Exposure below the video.  


2024/2025: All national winning podcast segments submitted to FEE will each be awarded the Gosia Luszczek International Podcasting Award

**Note for National Operators: (audio or visual/ audio)- 1 entry, regardless of the age. All entries submitted to FEE will each receive the Gosia Luszczek International Podcasting Award.