Video format is the primary way youth consume news and learn about environmental issues. This can be through long-form content like documentaries, YouTube segments, and TV news reports, or short-form content on social media like Instagram Reels and TikToks.
Long-form videos rely on news, events, history, and facts, using elements of direct observation, research, interviews, and documentation.
In contrast, short-form campaign videos aim to raise awareness, promote values, and inspire positive action through live images, often using staged elements to send a clear message.
Through the YRE programme, young reporters can test and develop their video skills, creating impactful content that addresses environmental issues.
want to test your photo skills? Join the Annual International Competition!
Long-Form Reporting Video
Long-form reporting videos are like mini documentaries, TV news reports. They are based on news, events, history, facts etc., and use elements of direct observation, research, interviews, and documentation.
Short-Form Campaign Video
Short-form campaign videos aim to raise awareness of an issue, promote certain values, and/or inspire positive action through live images. The campaign storyline can be staged with the intention of sending a clear message to the viewers. These can include Instagram Reels, Tik-Toks and Youtube Shorts
Young Reporters’ Video Examples
Assessment Criteria
(previously called Reportage Video)
Description: Long-form reporting videos are like mini documentaries, TV news reports.Theyare based on news, events, history, facts etc., and use elements of direct observation, research, interviews, and documentation.
Format & Structure
Video must be no longer than 3 minutes. This does NOT include credit roll. Must be filmed in landscape!
Must have a title of no more than 140 characters.
Must be submitted to the National Operator in a file format supported on YouTube.
Must be technically and artistically of good quality. This includes composition, lighting, color, sharpness, and subject.
Recommended to have an introduction and conclusion, use a documentary or reporter/interview style and answer the questions of who, what, where, when why and how. Music is not recommended.
Honest & Unbiased Reporting
Facts, statistics, and scientific information must be supported by credible sources.
Any quotes used must be from real and credible sources.
Sources used in the video must be cited either in a credit roll at the end of the video or with a separate ‘References’ list.
It is recommended that approximately 70% of the final video should be made up of students’ own original images, video footage and audio. If additional images (photographs, illustrations, diagrams, etc.), video footage or audio is used, the original author/source must be cited
The video is a fair and truthful representation of reality and the subject(s) and/or scene(s) have not been manipulated or altered.
Constructive & Well-Rounded Perspective
The video is original in subject and/or scope. The student has picked a challenging and/or creative topic or has depicted a topic in a different and/or creative way.
The participant has engaged in fieldwork and conducted research and interviews (either in-person or over the phone) outside of their school grounds.
A total of 5 points may be awarded for dissemination through the following channels:
Personal Sphere = 1 Point
School Community = 1 Point
National Operator Organization = 1 Point
National Media (Newspaper, TV, radio) = 2 Points
Evidence of dissemination must be submitted with the video and published on Exposure below the video.
Use of any form of AI will not be accepted in this category. Points should be deducted should the use of AI be detected.
Long-form reporting video should be recorded in landscape.
Long-form reporting video entries can also be included as entries as part of the International Collaboration category
**Note for National Operators: max 3 entries (1 for each age group: 11-14 years, 15-18 years, 19-25 years) for the International Competition, Regardless of the type of video (Long-form or Short-form)
(previously called Environmental Campaign Video)
Description: Short-form campaign Videos aim to raise awareness of an issue, promote certain values, and/or inspire positive action through live images. The campaign storyline can be staged with the intention of sending a clear message to the viewers. Short-Form Campaign videos can take format as Instagram Reels, Tik-Tok videos, Youtube Shorts.
Format & Structure
Video must be no longer than 1 minute. This does NOT include credit roll. Must be filmed in portrait!
Must have a title of no more than 140 characters.
Must be submitted to the National Operator in a file format supported on YouTube.
Must be technically and artistically of good quality. This includes composition, lighting, color, sharpness, and subject.
There must be a very clear call to action for the audience at the end of the short-form video.
Honest & Unbiased Reporting
Facts, statistics, and scientific information must be supported by credible sources.
Any quotes used must be from real and credible sources.
Sources used in the video must be cited on a separate ‘References’ list.
It is recommended that approximately 70% of the final video should be made up of students’ own original images, video footage and audio. If additional images (photographs, illustrations, diagrams, etc.), video footage or audio is used, the original author/source must be cited.
Well-Rounded/Holistic Perspective/Local-Global Connection
Video should address the historical, economic, social, and/or political implications of the chosen topic through an environmental lens.
The video should show the link between local and global events, issues and/or phenomena.
The video should identify relevant and feasible solutions to the environmental issue(s) depicted in the video OR raise awareness about an environmental issue(s), promote certain lifestyle and/or positive actions.
Originality & Independence
The video is original in subject and/or scope. The student has picked a challenging and/or creative topic or has depicted a topic in a different and/or creative way.
The participant has engaged in fieldwork and conducted research on the chosen topic outside of their school grounds.
A total of 5 points may be awarded for dissemination through the following channels:
Personal Sphere = 1 Point
School Community = 1 Point
National Operator Organization = 1 Point
National Media (Newspaper, TV, radio) = 2 Points
Evidence of dissemination must be submitted with the video and published on Exposure below the video.
Use of AI and other editing applications is welcomed and encouraged.
Short-form campaign video entries should be recorded in portrait.
**Note for National Operators: max 3 entries (1 for each age group: 11-14 years, 15-18 years, 19-25 years) for the International Competition, Regardless of the type of video (Long-form or Short-form)