In today’s world, written media extends far beyond traditional print newspapers, embracing a wide range of digital platforms such as online news sites, blogs, and social media. This evolution opens up exciting opportunities for young reporters in our program to make their mark. By using platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can help extend the reach of written articles and news stories and engage a wider audience.

As young reporters, you have the chance to use these digital tools to enhance the impact of your reporting and connect traditional media with social media.

Want to test your written skills? Join the Annual International Competition!


The aim of this Article category is to explore the historical, economic, social, and/or political implications of the chosen environmental topic through a written format. The article should show the link between local and global events, issues, and/or phenomena and include relevant, feasible, and constructive solutions to the environmental issues presented.   

Expanded dissemination options have been introduced to this category that not only include print or traditional media but also new online platforms such as Blogposts and Extended Facebook Posts to help expand the reach of the article. Please note whether the article is disseminated via the traditional format, blog or extended Facebook post all the assessment criteria below will be applied to the content of the article.  

**Note for National Operators: max 3 entries (1 for each age group: 11-14 years, 15-18 years, 19-25 years).  



  • Description: The aim of this Article category is to explore the historical, economic, social, and/or political implications of the chosen environmental topic through a written format. The article should show the link between local and global events, issues, and/or phenomena and include relevant, feasible, and constructive solutions to the environmental issues presented.

    Expanded dissemination options have been introduced to this category aside from the traditional print media. Article can take shape in the following media layouts:

    1. Newspaper articles & columns (online or print)

    2. Blogposts

    3. Extended Facebook Posts

    Format & Structure

    • No more than 1,000 words (after translation into English). 

    • Must include a title of no more than 140 characters. 

    • Must be submitted to the National Operator in Microsoft Word format for traditional article or as a link for a blogpost or extended Facebook post if this is how the article has been disseminated.  

    • Must include 1-3 images (photographs, illustrations, diagrams, etc.), each with captions of no more than 20 words. Sources for all images must be given. 

    • Must include an introduction, body (supporting paragraphs), and conclusion and answer the questions of who, what, where, why, when, and how. 

    Honest & Unbiased Reporting

    • Facts, statistics, and scientific information must be supported by credible sources.  

    • Any quotes used must be from real and credible sources.  

    • Sources used in the article must be cited using footnotes and a ‘References’ list for a traditional article, in the attribution tag for a blog or Facebook post. This includes citing the original author/source of any images (photographs, illustrations, diagrams, etc.) used in the article.  

      Remember: Even when citing sources, remember that this is not an academic essay, but a newspaper article. One of its characteristic features is the statements of competent persons, and therefore we recommend that you go to the persons in person or contact them by e-mail or telephone and get information directly from them. It will increase not only the dynamics of the article but also its credibility.  Guidance for Social media article citing of sources:.

    Constructive & Well-Rounded Perspective

    • Articles should be balanced and fair in terms of representing different sides of an argument before suggesting possible solutions. 

    • Article should explore the historical, economic, social, and/or political implications of the chosen topic through an environmental lens.    

    • The article should show the link between local and global events, issues, and/or phenomena.  

    • The article should include relevant, feasible, and constructive solutions to environmental issues presented in the article.  

    Originality & Independence

    • The article is original in content and/or scope. The author has picked a challenging and/or creative topic or has approached a topic in a different and/or creative way.  

    • The participant has engaged in fieldwork and conducted research and interviews (either in-person or over the phone) outside of their school grounds.  


    A total of 5 points may be awarded for dissemination through the following channels: 

    • Personal Sphere = 1 Point 

    • School Community = 1 Point 

    • National Operator Organization = 1 Point 

    • National Media (Newspaper, TV, radio) = 2 Points 

    Evidence of dissemination must be submitted with the article and published on Exposure below the article.  

    Use of any form of AI will not be accepted in this category. Points should be deducted should the use of AI be detected. 

    The quality of the article should not be lessened if a young person has chosen to disseminate their article as a blog or extended Facebook post.

    Please indicate when submitting on Podio if the article has been translated into English using a tool such as Google Translate. 

    Articles can also be included as entries as part of the International Collaboration category.

    Original photos included in the article could be considered by the International Jury for the ‘Photo of the Year’ Award.

    **Note for National Operators: max 3 entries (1 for each age group: 11-14 years, 15-18 years, 19-25 years) for International Competition.

Additional Resources