Are you a YRE alumni who is looking for more?

Then you need to become a YRE international champion. We need experienced YRE participants like you to help educators, young people and our FEE national offices from across the globe, to take their YRE environmental reporting and leadership skills to the next level.

Below are just some of the ways you can help us:


Take over our international SoMe channels

This is a fun chance to make your mark on our international YRE social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) and share your environmental stories with a global audience.


Create new online resources to support fellow young reporters

Help out fellow reporters by creating guides, resources, tutorials with tips and tricks on how to interview sources, do research, spot greenwashing and much more.


Translation of existing YRE materials to help reach a broader audience

Ensure that all YRE resources accurately reflect cultural nuances and avoid misunderstandings. And make sure the resources are accessible to people with disabilities.


Share your expertise as a guest writer for our global education newsletter

Share your personal experiences of environmental issues and how you have overcome them in your community. Offer tips on how to act on environmental issues and showcase youth-led initiatives.


Take charge and take part!

If you are interested in taking part in any of these activities or have other ideas for how you can help support those leading and taking part in the Young Reporters for the Environment Programme drop us a line! Click on the button below to send us an email. We would love to hear from you!