Don’t miss this opportunity!
We are excited to announce a new and dynamic initiative as part of this year's YRE programme—"UN at Your Doorstep: Ages of Globalization." This unique series of live online dialogues, hosted by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, connects today’s global leaders with tomorrow’s changemakers, offering YRE students the opportunity to engage with prominent figures like Malala Yousafzai, Antonio Guterres, Kylian Mbappé, Angelina Jolie, and more. Together, they will explore solutions to some of the world’s most pressing sustainable development challenges. Don't miss this extraordinary chance to inspire and be inspired!
Young Reporters will have the chance to interview and interact with these prominent figures
Calling YOUNg REporters!
Capture from #2 Live Session featuring Gecko Young Reporters from International School Overseas School of Colombo (Sri Lanka) as Social Media Takeover Content Creators
Did you know that you might be the lucky interviewer of some of today’s global leaders and tomorrow’s changemakers? As a part of new initiative this school year, the YRE programme is offering selected YRE students the unique opportunity to take part in important conversations about the world’s biggest challenges. A series of online live dialogues will take place over the academic year and for each session, one YRE student along with another young person will be interviewing high-ranking UN officials as well as cultural and environmental leaders of today.
We are looking for YRE alumni aged 14-24 to take an active lead in the UN at Your Doorstep sessions featuring world leaders and celebrities! We have three roles available for each of the sessions taking place over the next year.
One Interview Moderator: Lead live online interviews.
Two Social Media Content Creators: Promote the online sessions and gather youth voices on the AOG and FEE international social media platforms through a Social Media Takeover week prior to the live session!
Excellent English language skills
Strong communication and public speaking abilities
An Instagram / Facebook account to tag
Find out how to be the Young Reporters featured in each session by reaching out by getting in contact with Lee Wray-Davies, Director of Education at FEE lee@fee.global
Capture from #2 Live Session featuring Young Reporter Emma as the Live interview Moderator
Sign up for the next live session!
For more information about the live sessions (past and upcoming) and how to sign up- scroll down! Find out more information about our UN partners ‘Ages Of Globalization’.
Stay tuned for more Live Sessions coming soon! In the meantime, feel free to watch the recordings from our past live session below!
PAST Live sessions
#5 Live Session 26th February 9-10PM CET “Climate Action”
Key Speakers: Simon Kofe & Yurshell Rodriguez
Details about #5 Live Session:
Small island nations and Indigenous communities are leading the fight against climate change — what can we learn from them?
🎤 Simon Kofe, Minister of Transport, Energy, Communications & Innovation, Tuvalu
🎤 Yurshell Rodríguez, Environmental Engineer & Climate Activist, Raizal Community, Colombia
Young Reporters:
Shreya Valaythen from Mauritius
Hunter Roy from Bermuda - watch his social media takeover here
700 unique registrants from 120 countries. Among them, 178 were students or young people, and 319 were teachers or educators.
During the event we had 200 engaged participants
#4 Live Session 22nd January 7-8PM CET "Quality Education”
Key Speakers: Yasmine Sherif & Aya Mouallem
Details about #4 Live Session:
Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of UNICEF’s Education Cannot Wait (ECW), and Aya Mouallem, Co-Founder of All Girls Code, introduce the global goal of ensuring quality education for all (SDG 4) and explain their personal and professional efforts towards achieving this goal.
A Young Reporter for the Environment leads the second discussion round with Yasmine Sherif and Aya Mouallem focusing on: “What lessons from history can guide us in achieving quality education for all learners today, and what are the most critical actions we must take to make this a reality?”, including questions submitted and upvoted by young people.
Check out the agenda!
#3 Live Session 10th December (9:00-10:00 AM ET) “Human Rights”
Key Speakers: Jeffrey Sachs & Karimot Odebode
Details about #3 Live Session:
Speaker 1 - Jeffrey Sachs - Professor, Author, and Advisor to the United Nations and Governments
Speaker 2 - Karimot Odebode- an award-winning Nigerian poet, lawyer, founder of Black Girl’s Dream Initiative
Young Reporter Gašper Roblek from YRE Slovenia interviewed Karimot Odebode and had a wonderful conversation about young voices, rights & power. Watch him from 39.34 minutes!
#2 Live Session 25 November 2024 (11am-12pm ET) “Environmental Sustainability”
Key Speakers: Erik Solheim & Boyan Slat
Details about #2 Live Session:
Speaker 1 - Erik Solheim - former Norwegian Minister of the Environment & former Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Speaker 2 - Boyan Slat- Founder & CEO of The Ocean Cleanup
Naqeeb bin Zulkifli, a Young Reporter for the Environment from Malaysia will moderate a discussion with Erik and Boyan on the first overarching discussion question: “What are the main drivers undermining environmental sustainability today?” as well as pre-submitted and upvoted questions by young people.
Lee Wray-Davies, Global Director of Education at the Foundation for Environmental Education, summarizes key insights and together with The Young Gekos from Sri Lanka, invites all young people to participate in the global social media challenge #OurVoiceOurPower for the #SDGs.
#1 Live Session 23 October 2024 “Youth Empowerment”
Key Speakers: Felipe Paullier & Richa Gupta
Our first UN at Your Doorstep live session collaboration with Ages of Globalization started off on a high-note! An incredible 1,546 unique registrants from 127 countries! Of these, 790 participants identified as students or young people, and 564 as teachers or educators.
On the day of the event, AoG maxed out their Zoom capacity with 300 connections, while another 200 participants joined via livestream. There were more than 500 participants tuning in live, with full classrooms shown on screen!
Young Reporters Diandra (Montenegro) and Diogo (Portugal) had insightful conversations with the key speakers Felipe Paulier (UN Assistant Secretary General for Youth Affairs) and Richa Gupta (CEO and Co-Founder of Labya Foundation & Young Leader for the SDGs)
A Social Media takeover was done by YRE Alumni Alya and Iphendule and it was a total success! Check it out here.