
In Malta, 6,500 students from more than 70 schools participated in the Litter Less Campaign in 2023, all working on 15 different activities related to responsible consumption and production.

Activities were conducted by NTM and by schools through their community action days. The highlight was the participation of a local influencer in the training workshops. She is an ex Young Reporter for the Environment (YRE) and Eco-School student - and currently working as an influencer with a business focused on thrifting and reusing clothes. The schools were inspired by her experience as she was very enthusiastic in spreading examples of their work.

The schools carried out their usual community action days - focusing on waste reduction, promoting reusable materials and carrying out clean ups.

As part of the YRE celebration days, we had the opportunity to take participants to the newly-opened Ecohive Academy where students were offered interactive games and activities focused on pollution.

Promotion of activities is done mainly through social media and online newspapers. Schools are contacted via email though our strong network; in turn they publish their events on their respective social media pages.

The launch (influencers' workshops) was spread over a whole week, and was carried out in collaboration with Agenzija Zghazagh. In turn, they shared on their social media as well.

The annual YRE Celebration, held on the 28th and 30th of May, was published in local newspapers - and had a wide reach. The same was done for the end-of-year turtle release session on the 28th of June. Litter Less schools were invited, and the turtle was released by the minister. The local press were present.