Mládežnícka elementary school in Púchov organized the local Community Action Day on April 27, 2017. The event was organized as Zelený jarmok (green fair) in the pedestrian zone of Púchov. In total, 25 ecologically-oriented info-stands and workshops for children were open to visitors. The aim was to show that children are deeply concerned about the environment. Participants of the Green Fair: five Primary Schools, two Secondary Schools, Technical University from Trenčín, Chmelinec Social Services Center, and Včielka school environmental club. Pupils focused especially on composting and the recycled art.
A well-known Slovak singer Peter Bažík was the main attraction of the CAD. Based on the lyrics written by a student Martin Opat, Peter composed the music. The song has become "The Hymn of the Green Fair”, and it has been presented on the stage – students together with the singer – for three times. Concert of Peter Bažík attracted to the event more than 500 participants, in spite of rainy and cold weather. If everything goes well, the song will be sampled in the studio soon .