Through the Litter Less Campaign (LLC) in YRE, a group of boys aged 11-12 dealt with a very local problem - there was no bin on their football pitch! There was not even a plastic bottles recycling one. In extremely hot Israel you have to take water with you if you are going to play football! The boys took photos and wrote about the problem. They sent it all to the mayor of Jerusalem, Mr. Nir Barkat. Not only did they receive a reply, the situation was fixed two months later! The boys were so proud of themselves and told me that "even the big boys thanked them" (you know how important that is). And I personally have to say: changing things that matter to you when you are 12 years old gives you the confidence to change bigger things when your 16, 18 or 20. This experience for those kids can definitely change the way they believe in their capabilities.