Open-hearted to the ocean (France)

YRE Competition 2021
1st Place - LLC video reportage
15–18 years old

With the Covid-19 epidemic, our habits have changed. Among them, the compulsory wearing of a mask. Surgical masks are essentially made of plastic, which poses a problem: Currently, NGOs estimate that 1.5 billion of these masks were released into the oceans during the year 2020. Faced with this situation, we wondered about this pollution and its consequences, and how to limit it. In search of answers and solutions, our team of reporters set out to meet specialists. So come with us to open your heart to the ocean.


Video, 15-18 years

1st Place (as Reportage Video)
Title: Open-hearted to the oceans
Country: France

Honourable mention

Title: Littering is not our culture – reportage
Country: India